Finding Joy in Movement: The Importance of Exercise Beyond Weight Loss

Exercise is often seen as a chore or something that we have to do to lose weight, but it can offer so much more than just changing the way we look. Exercise has so many benefits, including improving mental health, reducing the risk of chronic disease, and increasing energy levels. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of finding joy in movement and the importance of exercise beyond weight loss.

The Benefits of Exercise:

Regular exercise can have a positive impact on both physical and mental health. It can improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and improve bone density. Exercise can also help improve mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, boosting self-esteem, and improving mood.

Personally, I find movement such a great way to deal with stress and also make me feel my best! It often takes as little as getting out for a walk to change my mental state. 

Finding Joy in Movement:

To make exercise a sustainable habit, it is important to find a routine that fits into your own schedule and lifestyle. This can include finding an exercise routine that is enjoyable and sustainable, such as dancing, hiking, yoga, or team sports. Rather than forcing yourself to do exercises you dislike, it is important to try different activities and find what brings joy and makes you feel YOUR best.

Just because you see someone online or around you doing a certain form of exercise doesn’t mean you have to do the same. We are all so individual in body type, personal preferences and abilities that something that works for one person, maybe not work as well for another. Focus on you and what you like doing, not what you think you ‘should’ be doing.

Once you find the feeling of enjoyment and feel good feeling from moving your body, this is what will help to keep you consistent and wanting to do it over and over again. It’s this feeling that your body and mind will learn to crave and push you out the door on unmotivated days.

Incorporating Exercise into Daily Life:

To help make exercise a sustainable habit, it is important to incorporate it into daily life. This can include breaking up workouts into shorter sessions throughout the day, finding a workout partner for accountability and motivation, or setting realistic goals and celebrating progress.

A great and easy way I like to get more movement into my days (particularly days I know I will have little time to fit in a longer workout session or get to the gym) is to simply parking further away from your destination or getting off the bus a few stops earlier to increase your overall steps of the day. Incorporating small things like this can really add up, focus on creating an active lifestyle, rather than just relying on structured workout times and sessions.

The Connection Between Exercise and Mental Health:

Exercise is a powerful tool to improve mental health. It can reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, and improve mood. By incorporating exercise into daily life, one can help promote better mental health.

For example, if you are feeling low or negatively toward yourself or body something as simple as a 15 minute walk, or energising workout can change your state of mind and make you appreciate things in a different light. I encourage you to give it a go yourself!

Exercise is something we need to be celebrating more. Because how amazing it is that our body allows us to do all these things. Run, jump, stretch, swim, play, etc. Rather than using exercise as a punishment for what we ate or to chase unrealistic body ideas, learn to appreciate your body and the way it moves.

The truth is, you can never hate your body into a version that you love, so start experimenting and find a type of moment you truly enjoy and makes you feel good about yourself!

Finding joy in movement is essential for building a positive relationship with exercise. By focusing on activities that are enjoyable and sustainable, it can become a sustainable habit that can improve physical and mental health. Incorporating exercise into daily life can help create a routine that fits into one's schedule and promotes better mental and physical well-being.

If you would love to get support in transforming your relationship with exercise, food and your body please do reach out. My 1:1 coaching programs are designed to help and support develop a healthy balanced relationship with food and your body so that you feel confident and have the time and energy to do the things that are important to you!

Apply today and start your journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Because at the end of the day, food and exercise should be enjoyed - and so should your life.

Harriet x


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